E & D Engineering
Engine reconditioning services throughout the West Midlands

Home Engine Reconditioning Cylinder Heads How To Find Us Contact Us
Cylinder head reconditioning, repairs and renovations throughout the West Midlands.

At E & D Engineering our experienced and trained engineers specialise in the repair, renovation and remanufacturing of cylinder heads

We also provide second hand and new replacements for scrap or damaged heads if yours is unrepairable.

Professional engineering services, including:


All engine sizes and types


Pressure testing and re-facing of cylinder heads


Latest spec diamond tip fly cutting equipment


Specialist grinder for large commercial cylinder heads


Valve seat and guide re-grind or replace


While you wait skimming service


Cylinder head un-leaded hardened exhaust inserts


We have the latest specification diamond fly cutter in our workshop.
Call us today for more information on 01902 402 884


E & D Engineering, Unit 1B, Key Industrial Estate, Oxford Street,
Bilston, West Midlands, WV14 7DW
Tel : 01902 402 884
  Email: info@eanddengineering.org.uk

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